Tuesday, July 31


okay. i've decided that for the next week i will eat nothing but 3 lil fruit cup thingies (70 cals apiece) and a can of tuna (100 calories) per day, and drink nothing but water. that'll put my intake per day at 310 calories, and if i can  continue exercising... well, i should drop this weight i've gained pretty quickly. hopefully, anyway. as soon as i get some money, i'm going to buy a scale, too, and then start weekly weigh-ins. i'll probably buy the scale after i finish this week of 310 calories a day so that i'll feel like i'm 'starting off' a little better. you know what i mean?

anyway. so far today, i've had 2 fruit cups, and in a couple of hours (6pm) i'm going to have my can of tuna, and then around 8 i'll have my last fruit cup. i'm honestly excited about this. (: i love starting new diets!

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