Tuesday, June 26

how ironic...

this is sort of old news, and most everybody has probably heard it, but i just stumbled across it and thought it was interesting.
apparently a photographer took a series of (digitally manipulated) images of emaciated women as sort of a satirical commentary on pro-ana sites and thinspiration images. the ironic part of this is, these images are (naturally) very good thinspo. ;) whoops!

 for all the images in the series, go to the photographer's website, click on 'thirty-two kilos'.

simply me

most people look right through me. i'm an average sort of girl--unremarkable in every way. i'm of average height (5'3.5"); average (in the majority of the world's opinion) weight (126-130 lbs); my hair and eyes are brown (such a boring color); my skin is not remarkably tan, nor remarkably pale (though i'm often teased that i could almost glow in the dark--ha!); average, (if not just 'plain') features. in short, there is nothing remarkable about me. i'm just there, and i'm just me.

i'm sort of quiet, living mostly in my own mind. it takes a little while for me to warm up to someone, to open up to them, and takes a bit of effort to get to know me. when anyone does take the time, though, i am quite outgoing, with a highly sarcastic, yet goofy sense of humor, caring to a fault, and a fiercely loyal friend. however, i don't tend to have many friends, as too many that i've let in that far have proved themselves to be unworthy of that title. i've been hurt by so-called friends so often that i can tend to be a bit cynical on the surface. yet deeper down, i still have faith and hope in everybody i meet, observing and testing them in different ways to see if they could be different than everybody else. 

i'm a college student, currently majoring in psychology, considering adding a second major in early childhood education.

i have suffered from ednos (eating disorders not otherwise specified) since i was thirteen years old (i am eighteen now). i also have occasional panic attacks, though they're getting less and less frequent as time goes by. i am recovering from drug abuse and self-harm. i'm also a survivor of domestic abuse (at the hands of my ex-fiance).

the most influential person in my life, and the one i admire most is my dad, who passed away on september 14, 2011 after an eight-month battle with cancer. he was a highly intelligent man, who held numerous college degrees, most notably in education (he was a former high school english teacher) and theology (he was also an ordained minister). but what i loved most was that he was still just a down-home, down-to-earth sort of man. he knew no obstacles when it came to people. he had the charm, the charisma, and just the outright friendliness to communicate with anybody. he knew no strangers: he would strike up a conversation with anybody, whether it was the cashier at the grocery store, someone next to him in a line or waiting room--anybody he was around for more than a few minutes. he was a very generous, caring person--his favorite saying was "do the right thing, just because it's the right thing to do." it always lifts my heart to hear people say--both to me personally, or otherwise--that i am just like him, which becomes more and more true every day. i'll constantly catch myself doing or saying things that are just so him it's ridiculous. losing him has been the hardest thing i've ever had to face, and i still miss him more than words could ever say.

          these are just a few of the many pieces to the puzzle that is me. welcome to my blog, i hope you enjoy it, and i hope you stick around a while. <3